We are looking forward to welcoming the children for our induction days on Thursday 29 June and Friday
30 June from 8.45am – 2.30pm.
On the transition days children will need to come into school through our main front of school reception
between 8.45am and 8.55am. From this point they will be directed into the main hall to meet their day
group. If you are coming to the school to drop off, please use the front car park. The children will have
the option to wear their school uniform or school PE kit for the 2 induction days. We will provide lunch on
both days, however, it is important that we receive bookings of their choices and also any information of
dietary requirements/allergies. If preferred, there will be an option to bring their own packed lunch.
On both induction days we will be holding an afternoon tea for parents and younger siblings from 2.00pm
– 2.40pm. It would be lovely if you could join us for a piece of cake and refreshment on one of the
induction days.