- Colleges/Year 11 - Key Information
Please find below key information from the school and colleges.
To apply for most jobs, you are going to need a CV (curriculum vitae). The website below will help to write a CV. This is something you need for a job or college application and is something you update and send off to any company when you are applying for a job.
Please watch the video on CV writing – ‘Your CV part 1’ that is a little way down the page on the link below.
This will give you some ideas of what you are going to write in your CV.
Please now fill in the writing frames from the link below that will help you to write a CV.
It is very important that you save the file at regular intervals while you are working on it. You don’t want to lose all your hard work.
In your PSHE lessons in year 11 you will use the work you have completed to write your college, job and apprenticeships applications. Please keep this safe.